
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Farr's Fresh

Where: Farr's Fresh, 1073 S 750 E, Orem

Who Went: Chelsey, Devynne, Jessica, Robert & kids

Number of Visits: 1

What We Ordered: Self-serve frozen yogurt & custard (I got a mix of pineapple, and something else fruity with gummy worms and vanilla wafers)

What It Cost: ~$4/person

What We Thought:

Attention all crazy Disneyland fans out there! You MUST go to Farr's Fresh as soon as possible!

One of the best things about Disneyland are those heavenly, amazing Dole pineapple whips. They are one of those foods you wish you could eat for the rest of your life. And no trip to Disneyland is complete for me without at LEAST three trips to the Dole Pineapple whip stand! 

Fortunately for all of us poor college students out there who can't afford to go to Disneyland anymore, Farr's Fresh brings the wonderful flavor of Dole Pineapple Whips here to Utah County!

Farr's Fresh is a fun alternative to your normal Utah County frozen yogurt joints because they also offer custards, sorbets, normal ice cream, and DOLE PINEAPPLE WHIPS. Yeah, you heard me right. The same pineapple pleasure can be found at Farr's Fresh and it is seriously so good. Plus you can top it with some fresh strawberries or is good.

What You Should Do: I think it's pretty clear - go to Farr's Fresh ASAP and get yourself some pineapple whip! If they stop carrying this, I will probably cry.

Read other reviews here:
Farr's Fresh Ice Cream on Urbanspoon


  1. So excited to hear this about the Dole Pineapple Whip! We're going to Disneyland in a week or so, and if the line is too long again, then I won't be too disappointed if I don't get to try it. Now this is important about nostalgic Disneyland food, is it the exact same?

    1. Well, it IS from the Dole company, and I can't imagine that they would make two separate "Dole Pineapple Whip" products? It's so hard to tell if it's exactly the same since the Disneyland variety has so many different memories associated with it for me, but it has the same light, tangy deliciousness, and I think it is very, very, very similar (if not identical :)

  2. It is the same dolewhip. My wife has a soft serve rental company call and we rent the machine and sell the same dolewhip mix. I can confirm from talking to the wholesellers that it is the same mix that disneyland uses.



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